Owing to advertising strategies or big discounts throughout the year, stores and retailers have been very successful in enticing consumers to spend and overspend.


That causes many people to return home with sacks or shopping carts full of unnecessary purchases and a wallet or bank account depleting of money that should be spent on more important things.




You can't blame yourself entirely, and you can't also stop stores from doing such sales tricks. However, you can learn something from them to build better shopping habits today.


Instead of chasing each sale, consider linking your shopping to dream-based goals. Careful planning will help you avoid future mishaps.


Plan It

Many savvy consumers and experienced shoppers report that shoppers on pre-made lists are less likely to make impulsive purchases. The key to following this rule is to take your list with you to the store and commit to it.


Don't limit your list and don't hesitate about the things that are really necessary but a bit expensive. Just make sure you don't get enticed by anything that doesn't belong on your list and don't buy unnecessary things out of a whim.


Make a Budget

In your shopping list, try to estimate the cost of each item in order to bring enough money or just a little extra. The extra money is there in case the price goes up or you find something you really need but it's not on the current list. On Black Friday or big sales, it's helpful to note the original price as sometimes there will be a trick from sellers. Compare prices before you shop on Black Friday to make sure you're really getting a good deal. Some stores are said to be dishonest when raising the original price. That results in a 20% discount that can still be more expensive than the original price.


Regret proves to you that you've spent too much on something you don't need. Leaving behind a few items that you've been temporarily hooked on can be a challenge. But think about how much better you'd feel if your finances weren't hit by unnecessary spending. Paying attention to these feelings will help you become more aware of your impulse purchases.


Consider Buying New & Used Products

Before deciding to spend your money to buy a brand new product, consider whether you can buy used products or not. However, make sure you're saving the most money when you buy used, as some products are better valued when bought new. Or sometimes because your use time for that product is not too long, you do not need to buy a new one.


Find out about reputable websites that sell used products. Buying secondhand can be a great way to save money, but don't allow yourself to be fooled into spending money on something that's shoddy or even unusable.


Use Coupons

Coupons seem to be familiar to shoppers, especially those who like to shop online.




Consumers can save more than buying in-store by redeeming online coupons for big-ticket items. Coupons are rolled out a lot on special holidays like President's Day Sales, Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday. The number of purchases also skyrocketed on these occasions. With just a smartphone, shoppers can instantly access the e-commerce site to shop or hunt for deals using a mobile coupon app.


Go Alone

Shopping with a friend is fun, but it can lead to overspending when you're wrapped up in the things she likes. Additionally, she can make an incentive for you to buy something that you are still wondering about as it is not so necessary. Talking while shopping is also not advisable, as it will distract you from the things you need to buy.


On the contrary, when shopping alone, you will be more assertive in following what was listed in the previous plan. Shopping is also faster so you don't spend too much time.


Limit Payment on Delivery

Sometimes a high delivery fee will inevitably make you hesitate to order an item online. However, since online prices on e-commerce sites are often better than what you can find at local stores, finding deals for free shipping is essential to save money. Thankfully, retailers like Amazon, Best Buy... often offer free shipping deals throughout the year, so be sure to look for them before you pay. If the item you like doesn't have a shipping discount code, compare them with in-store purchases to see which is the most economical one.